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Princess Dianas Death

Shelby  Caudel


     Princess Diana was well known and well liked throughout the whole world. Her death was tragic to a great deal of people. Although a tragic accident, Princess Diana’s death could have been avoided if basic human privacy rights and mature adult decisions had been factors on August 19th, 1997.

     On August 19th. 1997, the Princess of Wales, Diana, died after the results of a car accident. Princess Diana had been riding in a Mercedes-Benz with her boyfriend, body guard, and chauffer, when the car crashed. The car crashed into a pillar in the tunnel of a bridge in Paris while escaping from a crowd of paparazzi. Diana’s boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed and her Chauffer, Henri Paul, were pronounced dead at the scene. Diana and her body guard suffered major injuries. Diana suffered injuries to her head and chest and she passed away on the operating table. Her bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, survived. So, what happened next? Who was to blame? Who was the cause of the wreck? Why were they fleeing from paparazzi?

     After the death of Princess Diana, people had a lot of different speculations on how she died. Did Princess Diana really die from a car crash or was it planned by someone? For the paparazzi, the thought that she just died from an accidental car crash was not a big enough news heading for their newspaper or magazine article. Maybe it didn’t have a good story line or enough drama for them.

     There are many different theories behind her death. One of the many conspiracy theories includes that she was fed up with the paparazzi and constant invasions of her personal life. One claim says that the crash was an attempt at a faked death, that ended tragically wrong, resulting in the actual death of Princess Diana. There is also a theory that her death was planned by the royal family. Due to the controversy caused by her and Prince Charles’ divorce. There are also unjustified accusations that she was soon going to choose Islam as her religion, and that was the reason the royal family had her killed. Then there’s always the less dramatic story, that she really did just die from an accidental car accident.

     The point is, she died. Princess Di had a lot of fans, a lot of people looked up to her and loved what she stood for. She will always be remembered for her style and glamour but also for her devotion to humanitarian causes. She made a difference in not only the UK but all around the world. We tend to forget about people in history who have died and made an impact on society. But, Princess Diana’s legacy will live on forever because of who she was and what she believed in. For a lot of people at that time, to see someone ‘Royal’ step up for everyone and make a difference in the world, on a newer, personal level, was very important to people all around the world, but especially for people in England. Once the world knew about the passing of the Princess, the country of England became a country of mourning.

     Princess Diana’s life left an impact on the world but so did her death. The Princess, regardless of what the conspiracies might suggest, was fleeing from paparazzi when they wrecked. There have been many times when many other celebrities have been put in danger due to the paparazzi as well. The same question that continues to be asked is, was fleeing from the paparazzi really worth ‘speeding’? Responsibility strongly still lies on the paparazzi, but responsibility also applies to the other four adults in the vehicle. Where was the question of “how fast are we going?” and why did no one tell the driver to slow down. Maybe they even ordered him to speed up. Should the paparazzi take responsibly, or should anyone really feel guilty? If someone was to be standing outside of my home today, taking photos of me, I could press charges. Possibly trespassing, and even harassment and depending on the severity of the case, the list could continue. My basic human rights of privacy would have been violated. But if I was a celebrity, I would be told to in a sense ‘get over it’ because I chose that life style and they have a right to Freedom of the Press. Where does the line stand? How far is too far? There is a huge ongoing conflict that remains an issue across the nations. That just because I am a celebrity, that is my way of shouting to the world, “Hey! Film my every move” They follow you were ever you go and know where you are and what you’re doing at all times, then broadcast it to the world.

     Princess Diana’s death, could have been prevented if the paparazzi wouldn’t have been so uncivilized that day. So if the accusations of her faking her death which resulted in the accidental death of her, could you honestly blame her?



Works Cited

“Princess Diana-The Conspiracy Theories.” Londonnet. 

     October. 2012.

     Accessed 30 September 2016.



“1997- Princess Diana Dies in a Car Crash” About

     Education. History

     Accessed 30 September 2016.


“Various-Diana: A Nation Mourns” Parachive. 5

     September. 1997.

     Accessed 30 September 2016.

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